Advanced light deprivation is by design, using the power of the sun while also being able to supply supplemental lighting during periods of rain or cloudy days in March/April runs. There has been a recent surge in this particular practice of farming, largely in part that supplemental lighting is not required at all during the summer months. This drastically cuts down on energy costs typically seen with HID lighting.
The quality of light deprivation cannabis, when mastered, can often match the quality of indoor cannabis. The cost ratio analysis is clear. By using the suns power, you drastically reduce energy costs. By maintaining quality, you still retain a higher price point. Simply from a capitalistic perspective, AAA+ light deprivation cannabis has a higher return on investment than indoor cannabis any day.
More importantly, there is an increasing interest to understand just how the full spectrum of the sun output affects the cannabinoid percentages. It is in our interest to conduct a case study comparing cannabinoid levels of indoor vs outdoor cannabis. Using the same strains, soil and nutrient loading, we can at least get some baseline data to further this discussion.
This quick synopsis just touches on the highlights. The CHA will be actively moving towards conducting these case studies and promoting light deprivation as a replacement for energy intensive indoor growing. Look for additional articles and how-to videos when we launch our YouTube page.