
The Soil Food Web 101:

Understanding the Interconnected Web of Life Beneath Our Feet

The soil food web is a concept that has revolutionized the way we understand the complex and dynamic ecosystem that lies beneath our feet. The concept was created by Dr. Elaine Ingham, a soil biologist and founder of Soil Foodweb Inc., in the late 1970s. Dr. Ingham’s research and experiments led her to the realization that healthy soil is not just a mixture of organic and inorganic matter, but a living and breathing ecosystem, teeming with countless microorganisms that work together to sustain plant growth and nutrient cycling.

The development of the soil food web was a result of Dr. Ingham’s work on the role of microorganisms in the soil. She recognized that soil microorganisms were not just passive players, but active participants in soil health and plant growth. In her research, she identified that microorganisms in the soil could be grouped into functional categories, such as decomposers, mutualists, and pathogens. These groups interact with each other to form a complex food web, much like the food web we see in above-ground ecosystems.

The soil food web is important because it helps us understand how the different components of soil microbiology work together to maintain healthy soil and promote plant growth. By understanding the interactions between microorganisms in the soil, we can develop more effective and sustainable farming and gardening practices.

What is the Soil Food Web?

The soil food web is a complex and interconnected network of organisms that live in the soil. It is made up of a wide variety of organisms, including bacteria, fungi, protozoa, nematodes, arthropods, and other microorganisms. These organisms interact with each other in a complex web of relationships that can be classified into trophic levels based on their role in the ecosystem.

The trophic levels in the soil food web include the following:
  1. Primary producers: These are the plants that are able to produce their own food through photosynthesis.
  2. Decomposers: These are the organisms that break down dead organic matter, such as fallen leaves, into smaller pieces that can be used by other organisms.
  3. Detritivores: These are the organisms that feed on the decomposing organic matter.
  4. Predators: These are the organisms that feed on other organisms.
  5. Parasites: These are the organisms that live on or inside other organisms and feed on their nutrients.
  6. Mutualists: These are the organisms that have a mutually beneficial relationship with other organisms.

The different components of the soil microbiology are described in more detail below.

Bacteria: Bacteria are one of the most abundant organisms in the soil. They play a crucial role in nutrient cycling, breaking down organic matter and making nutrients available to plants. Some bacteria are also capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen into a form that plants can use. In addition, some bacteria are pathogenic and can cause diseases in plants.

Fungi: Fungi are another important group of microorganisms in the soil. They are essential for decomposing organic matter and releasing nutrients into the soil. Fungi also form symbiotic relationships with plants, helping them to absorb nutrients and water from the soil. Mycorrhizal fungi, for example, form associations with the roots of most plants, enabling them to access nutrients that are otherwise inaccessible.

Arthropods: Arthropods, such as mites, springtails, and beetles, are important decomposers in the soil. They break down organic matter and release nutrients into the soil. Arthropods also help to aerate the soil, improving its structure and water-holding capacity.

Grazers: Grazers are organisms that feed on other microorganisms in the soil, such as bacteria and fungi. They include:

Microbes: Microbes are the smallest and most abundant organisms in the soil. They include bacteria, fungi, and protozoa. They play an important role in nutrient cycling and decomposition, and also help to suppress plant pathogens.

Mutualists: Mutualists are organisms that have a mutually beneficial relationship with other organisms. Mycorrhizal fungi, for example, form associations with the roots of most plants, enabling them to access nutrients that are otherwise inaccessible. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria are another example of mutualists, as they form a symbiotic relationship with certain plants, such as legumes, and fix atmospheric nitrogen into a form that the plant can use.

Nematodes: Nematodes are microscopic, worm-like organisms that play an important role in the soil food web. They can be classified into three categories: bacterial-feeding, fungal-feeding, and predatory nematodes. Bacterial-feeding nematodes feed on bacteria, while fungal-feeding nematodes feed on fungi. Predatory nematodes, on the other hand, feed on other nematodes, as well as other small organisms in the soil.

Protozoa: Protozoa are single-celled organisms that play a crucial role in the soil food web. They are important grazers, feeding on bacteria, fungi, and other microbes in the soil. Protozoa also help to regulate the population of other microorganisms in the soil.

Trophic Levels in the Soil Food Web

As mentioned earlier, the organisms in the soil food web can be classified into different trophic levels based on their role in the ecosystem. The trophic levels in the soil food web are as follows:

  1. Primary producers: These are the plants that are able to produce their own food through photosynthesis.
  2. Decomposers: These are the organisms that break down dead organic matter, such as fallen leaves, into smaller pieces that can be used by other organisms.
  3. Detritivores: These are the organisms that feed on the decomposing organic matter.
  4. Predators: These are the organisms that feed on other organisms.
  5. Parasites: These are the organisms that live on or inside other organisms and feed on their nutrients.
  6. Mutualists: These are the organisms that have a mutually beneficial relationship with other organisms.

Functions of Soil Organisms

Soil organisms play a crucial role in maintaining healthy soil and promoting plant growth. The different types of soil organisms and their functions are summarized in the table below:

Type of OrganismFunction
BacteriaDecomposition, nutrient cycling, nitrogen fixation
FungiDecomposition, nutrient cycling, mycorrhizal association with plants
ArthropodsDecomposition, nutrient cycling, aeration of soil
GrazersRegulation of microbial populations
MicrobesDecomposition, nutrient cycling, suppression of plant pathogens
MutualistsSymbiotic relationships with plants
NematodesRegulation of microbial populations
ProtozoaRegulation of microbial populations

Managing Soil Health

Maintaining healthy soil is essential for sustainable agriculture and gardening practices. One way to promote soil health is by increasing the complexity of the soil food web. This can be achieved by reducing the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, and by adding organic matter to the soil. Organic matter provides food for the microorganisms in the soil, promoting their growth and diversity.

Another way to promote soil health is by practicing crop rotation. Crop rotation helps to break the life cycles of plant pathogens and pests, reducing their populations and the need for synthetic pesticides. It also helps to maintain soil fertility by alternating crops that have different nutrient requirements.

There are many other ways to manage soil health, but for now we will cover just the basics.


The soil food web is a complex and dynamic ecosystem that plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy soil and promoting plant growth. It was first developed by Dr. Elaine Ingham, who recognized the importance of the microorganisms in the soil in promoting soil health. The soil food web includes a diverse range of organisms, including bacteria, fungi, arthropods, grazers, microbes, mutualists, nematodes, and protozoa, all of which play an important role in nutrient cycling and decomposition.

Understanding the soil food web and the functions of the different types of soil organisms can help farmers and gardeners manage soil health in a sustainable and effective manner. By promoting the growth and diversity of the microorganisms in the soil, we can create a healthy and fertile environment that supports plant growth and reduces the need for synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.

In conclusion, the soil food web is an essential component of healthy soil and sustainable agriculture practices. By promoting soil health and the complexity of the soil food web, we can create a more sustainable and resilient ecosystem that benefits both the environment and our food systems.

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Beginners Guide to Building a Vermicomposting Bin

Vermicomposting is a method of composting using worms to decompose organic waste into a nutrient-rich soil amendment. It’s a great alternative to traditional composting methods for those who live in apartments, have limited space, or want to reduce their waste footprint. For those interested in the process, here’s a quick overview to help get you started.

Benefits of vermicomposting include:

  1. Reduction of waste: Vermicomposting helps to reduce the amount of organic waste that ends up in landfills, which can help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  2. Improved soil fertility: Vermicompost is rich in nutrients and beneficial microbes, making it an excellent soil amendment that can improve the health of plants. Vermicompost contains essential plant nutrients, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, that can be released slowly over time. This helps to reduce the need for synthetic fertilizers.
  3. Improved soil structure: Vermicomposting helps to improve soil structure by increasing the amount of organic matter in the soil. This helps to create more air and water pockets, resulting in better water infiltration and drainage.
  4. Improved root growth: Vermicompost helps to promote root growth by providing a source of organic matter and beneficial microorganisms that can help to stimulate root growth.
  5. Pest control: Vermicompost can help to control pests in the garden by attracting beneficial insects and by providing plants with a healthy root system.
  6. Water conservation: Vermicompost can improve the water-holding capacity of soil, making it easier for plants to access water during dry spells.
  7. Disease suppression: Vermicompost can help to suppress plant diseases by increasing the amount of beneficial bacteria and fungi in the soil. This can help to reduce the need for chemical pesticides.
  8. Increased yields: Vermicompost can increase the yield and quality of crops, resulting in a more productive garden.

To build a vermicompost system, there are three popular methods:

DIY Worm Bins from NC State
  1. Worm bin: A worm bin is a container filled with bedding material, such as shredded newspaper or coconut coir, and food scraps for the worms to feed on. The worms will consume the food scraps and produce compost in the form of worm castings. A worm bin can be made out of a plastic container or a wooden box.
  2. Flow-through system: A flow-through system is a continuous composting method where food scraps are added to one end of a bin and finished compost is removed from the other end. This system requires a larger space and can be made using plastic pipes or a series of bins.
  3. Batch composting system: A batch composting system is a method where food scraps are added to a bin and left to decompose until the compost is ready to use. This method is easy to manage and is a good option for small-scale composting.

Worms can feed on a variety of food sources, including:

  1. Vegetable and fruit scraps (e.g. carrot peels, apple cores)
  2. Coffee grounds and filters
  3. Eggshells
  4. Shredded paper and cardboard
  5. Leaves from dynamic accumulator plants such as comfrey
  6. Grass clippings
  7. Herb plant trimmings
  8. Weeds (without seeds)
  9. Manure from herbivorous animals (e.g. rabbits, horses)
  10. Seaweed and kelp

Problems in vermicomposting can include:

  1. Odor: If the compost is not managed properly, it can produce a foul odor. This can be solved by keeping the compost moist and turning it regularly to allow air to circulate.
  2. Pests: Pests such as fruit flies can be attracted to the compost. This can be prevented by covering the compost with a lid and ensuring that the compost is not too moist.
  3. Overcrowding: If there are too many worms in the compost, they can become overcrowded and stop producing compost. This can be solved by removing some of the worms and starting a new compost bin.
  4. Lack of bedding: If the bedding in the compost bin is not adequate, the worms can become stressed and stop producing compost. This can be solved by adding more bedding to the bin.
  5. Poor compost quality: If the compost is not managed properly, it can become too dry and stop producing compost. This can be solved by adding more water to the compost.
  6. Reduced composting efficiency: If the temperature of the vermicomposting bin is too high or too low, the composting process will be less efficient. This can result in a slower breakdown of organic matter and fewer nutrients for the plants.
  7. Reduced microbial activity: If the temperature of the vermicomposting bin is too low, it can reduce the activity of beneficial microbes, resulting in slower composting and fewer nutrients for the plants.


In conclusion, Vermicomposting is an earth friendly way to improve soil health, reduce the need for synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, and promote healthy plant growth. It is an easy and sustainable way to garden, as it does not require any synthetic inputs and can be done with just a few simple tools. Vermicomposting helps to improve soil structure, retain essential plant nutrients, suppress plant diseases, promote root growth, and increase water retention. For gardeners who want to reduce their environmental impact and improve their garden’s health, vermicomposting is a great option.

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Russell Pace Speaks with Future Cannabis Project

Russell Pace Speaks with Future Cannabis Project

“The whole supply chain is really a delicate balance. If you can figure out how to rely on local supply chains and create partnerships with local farms and have things coming in locally where you know they are going to be present, I think it’s a much more sustainable picture long-term.” -Russell Pace, CHA

Future Cannabis Project (FCP) focuses on cannabis cultivation, breeding, extraction, education, advocacy, policy, health, science, and business. On April 22, 2021, Russell Pace, the founder and president of the Cannabis Horticultural Association (CHA), was the featured guest on the FCP Livestream.

The conversation focused on living soils, beneficial insects, breeding projects, intercropping, and many other aspects of horticultural science.

Living Soil Conversations. Streamed live on Apr 22, 2021

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Sun Grown Regenerative Cannabis Tests in at over 25% THC

cannabis ready for harvest

Indoor vs Outdoor? The long standing argument among the cannabis connoisseur is always a hotly debated topic. The argument for indoor grown cannabis has always been that it is higher quality and higher THC levels. While this might be true in some regards, the emerging science suggests that sun grown cannabis with optimal soil biology will be able to provide a more full spectrum of its cannabinoid levels. This means more cannabinoids, more terpenes and more full plant medicine for the patient and consumer. For the longest time everyone was just focused on THC levels, and as the headline was designed to wrap you in. Gotchya! But now it’s time to talk about why regenerative cannabis can provide a more full spectrum assay of the cannabinoids AND produce high levels of THC! We’ll take a look at regenerative farms, discuss different aspects of ecological farming and get to the root of it all, literally…

Sun Grown Regenerative Cannabis Tests in at over 25% THC Read More »

Biodiversity and Pest Management in Agroecosystems

This book is an important contribution to the literature on ecologically based pest management. In addition to reviewing relevant aspects of ecological theory and the broader agroecological context of pest management, it presents numerous data sets and case studies from both temperate and tropical farming systems.

Biodiversity and Pest Management in Agroecosystems reflects the authors’ many years of experience, particularly in the chapters on insect management in multiple cropping systems, insect ecology in orchards containing cover crops, and non-crop vegetation effects on insect populations in crop fields.

Biodiversity and Pest Management in Agroecosystems Read More »

EcoAg: Open-Source Marijuana

 “Building on this ecological abundance, complexity, and sustainability, a community of EcoAg marijuana producers can create resource exchange relationships and networks and nurture a resilient, sustainable and reliable industry built on a common ecological template.  In turn, industry reliability can help build trust with consumers, laying the groundwork for durable brands.  A robust and diverse community of producers based on the open-source eco-template can offer a rich basket of high-quality goods and services that will appeal to a wide range of consumers and expand the growing market.  That’s open source marijuana….”

Read the full article at MJNN.

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