Nursery Propagation

Learn advanced horticultural methods for maximizing clone production while reducing costs. Consulting covers beginner and advanced nursery propagation. Learn about mother plant health and pest and pathogen management through biological controls and Integrated Pest Management (IPM). Cloning methodologies include multiple types of cloning medium with a strong emphasis on plant health and environmental controls for optimization. Consulting can cover both traditional and even more organic/biological biostimulants.
Cultivation Methodologies

Consulting covers the scientific understanding for cultivating high grade cannabis with organic, biological and ecological methodologies. From planting to harvest, learn advanced skillsets in indoor, outdoor and greenhouse growing. Maximize the plants epigenetic potentials. Increase yields and boost cannabinoids and terpenoids while reducing costs. The methodologies cover three broad categories of Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) & BioControls. Clients are provided a range of scientific methods and advised on various industry standards which can then be applied to fit best with their particular management style.
Biocontrols and Ecological Methods

By utilizing IPM methodologies and management practices implemented from Agroecology, Living Soils and Organic Agriculture, clients are provided all the necessary tools for growing clean, pesticide free cannabis. From planting through harvest, clients can be assured the consulting methods will be able to be tailored to their environmental conditions. Clients are provided a range of scientific methods and advised on various industry standards which can then be applied to fit best with their particular management style. Management styles can range form traditional IPM methods to more ecological methods that encompass the fields of permaculture, biodyanmic and regenerative farming practices.
Grow High Grade Cannabis

The cannabis plant is capable of synthesizing a wide array of secondary metabolites. Cannabinoids, terpenenoids, flavinoids, phenolics, alkaloids, stilbenoids and lignans are most of the secondary metabolites. Learn about these factors that affect the triggering of secondary metabolites: ABIOTIC STRESS • PHYTOHORMONES • AMINO ACIDS • ORGANIC ACIDS • ENZYMES • SAR – ISR PATHWAYS • CHITIN • BIOLOGY • PHYTOCHEMICALS • NUTRIENTS Learn specialized techniques from Humboldt County for boosting terpene and cannabinoid levels. Learn about biostimulants that optimze plant health and provide optimal biological balance for both soil and leaf tissue.
Some of the Consulting Projects
“Russell was extremely helpful in getting us dialed in to a biocontrol program that worked for us. He also provided key insight for our nursery management that allowed us to increase the percentage of rooted clones.”
— Hannah (Emerald Queen Farms)
“Russell helped up produced some of the best clones we’ve ever seen. The root rates were close to 100% and the health of the clones helped reduce any transplant shock.”
— Tony Mendo (TerpHogz)
Thank you for what you are doing! I very well could have lost my entire crop had it not been for your efforts. Keep up the great work!!
— Brian (Riverview Gardens)