The Hempot™ is a transplantable propagation pot made completely out of hemp fiber. It’s materials and stitching are designed to be very sturdy during above ground usage but completely biodegradable upon transplanting. This pot is designed to be planted directly into the ground during transplanting. The unique woven fiber allows the plants roots to grow directly through the sidewalls upon contact. It’s adsorbent fiber will wick and store water, allowing the plants roots to not dry out too quickly upon transplanting, thus reducing shock. The fiber quickly breaks down to build soil organic matter. It has been designed and tested in Humboldt County, CA by iEarth, LLC.
Breakdown of Hempot after being buried for 4 weeks, and turning into rich humus Air pruning in Hempot
Benefits include:
• Eliminates Transplant Shock
• Increases Water Holding Capacity
• Increases Microbial Activity
• Increases Organic Matter in Soil
• Biodegradable – Completely biodegrades within 1-2 months, depending on management practices (ie; adding enzymes or microorganisms to assist with organic matter breakdown)
• Clean Fiber – Our hemp fiber pots are sourced from European hemp that is pesticide and fungicide free. It in the stages of being OMRI certified. You have our assurance that no harmful chemicals will be added to your soil.
Air Pruning – They provide excellent air pruning, which promotes lateral root growth. Air-pruning also helps plants that are going to stay in their container long term. Being air-pruned will eliminate root circling, which will allow you to keep the plant in the aeration container longer.
Support ecological farming practices.
I’ve been straggling on starting my first marijuana plant I have no idea that planting would be this complicated, a lot of things to consider. I’m trying to grow this: I decided to grow my own just for personal use and it’s been very effective in treating my chronic back pain
have you ever heard about cannabis can helps you to lose weight. it will come as no surprise to them that those who smoke it are usually slimmer compared to those who don’t. As a natural bodyweight regulator, cannabis also helps to fight diabetes in the body. As I continue researching, Cannabis can also help you to relieve some pains: