The advisory board for the CHA provides non-binding strategic advice to the management of our horticultural scientific process. The members are accomplished experts offering innovative advice and dynamic perspectives. They periodically provide information to CHA regarding the latest advancements of science and technology in their respective fields of study. Feel free to browse their own services by clicking the links below.

Matthew Gates is a crop consultant focusing primarily on the field of phytopathology, pest-plant relationships, and Integrated Pest Management. As a labor of passion, he has worked in this capacity since 2010, building a personal database of best practices and pest references. You can find him on Instagram as @synchangel and on YouTube as Zenthanol.

Moriah LaChapell is an Agronomist and a Licensed Pesticide Consultant specializing in biological control of insects and biorational pesticides. She has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology from Western Oregon University and a Professional Viticulture Certificate from Washington State University. She has a background in ornamental horticulture, greenhouse production and viticulture. You can learn more about her here:

Eric Brandstad is a Greenhouse and Cannabis Industry Expert that has been in the Cannabis Industry for over 25 years. Eric has helped pioneer light deprivation techniques that are used today throughout the industry. He has written articles & blogs, recorded videos, given interviews and recorded podcasts. He has been asked to speak and judge at many industry events, has been invited to host and moderate panels, and has been a keynote speaker.